
Jul 6,2022

Types Of Machines That Are Commonly Used In Blow Molding

Blow molding is a plastic production process that the plastic production industry employs to manufacture hollow things composed of plastic. It is similar to other molding procedures as plastic product manufacturers carry blow molding by using heated fluid substances forced inside a mold cavity after being exposed to pressure. Blow molding machines can also blow mold polypropylene and manufacture polypropylene bottles. Thus people can call them polypropylene bottle production machines or PP bottle production machines. There are many kinds of blow molding. One of those kinds is the extrusion blow molding which plastic product makers perform by squeezing out heated plastic into a parison. Injection molding is another kind of blow molding. Plastic bottle makers use one or two phases to manufacture plastic bottles. It is specifically efficient to create plastic bottles’ preforms, which bottle makers can use to make plastic bottles. The third kind of blow molding is injection stretch blow molding. Injection stretch blow molding is a procedure plastic product makers use to produce largely hollow things with rotational symmetry utilizing polymers. 1. Continuous Blow Molding Extrusion Machine (Generally Bottle Machines) The meaning of continuous extrusion is that the extruder consistently manufactures a parison, i.e., tube out of its head. The halves of the mold then grasp the parison and move it to a blow molding station where the air molds the component to the mold’s configuration. Plastic product makers often employ continuous extrusion blow molding machines to manufacture smaller-sized plastic commodities in small quantities. 2. Accumulator Head Blow Molding Machine Plastic product makers use the accumulator head blow molding machine to produce industrial parts in which the accumulation of the melted material is done inside the head and then moved out from the head with the help of cylinders. 3. Reciprocating Screw Blow Molding Machine This machine comprises semi-injection equipment and a semi-accumulator head machine. They initially melt the plastic, collect the shot in the screw’s front, push it out over the mandrel developing the parison, and then form the component in the same way as type 1 and type 2. The reciprocating screw extruder’s use features reciprocating screw blow molding machinery. Injection Blow Machine Or IBM's These machines combine a blow molding machine and an injection molding machine. The first squirt liquefied plastic substance into a closed mold (steel), developing a preform. Then this equipment opens its lock and guides the preform on a spindle to an injection blowing station where the application of the air is done to the bottle into the desired shape. The machinery then guides a second time to an ejection station. Two-Step Re-Heat And Blow Machine Or RHB In this procedure, an injection molded preform is decoded, put into a serpentine belt system, and re-heated. (The quartz heaters program the re-heating to permit the precise form to more easily blow whenever it reaches the mold cavities.) After getting the mold cavities, a rod pushes the parison, enlarging it; the blow air supply is done through the container’s mouth, extending the preform in several directions simultaneously. This develops a bi-axially oriented commodity that can provide a carbon dioxide barrier, creating a typical pop bottle. One-Step Blow Molding Machine This process is like the above injection blow molding procedure ( #4) in that a preform is molded in the first stage mold halves, inscribed to a second stage, and blown and stretched simultaneously as in step No 5. List Of Materials Which Can Be Blow Molded The particular substances that are blow molded in general are (polyethylene terephthalate),HDPE (high density polyethylene),HWPE (high molecular weight polyethylene),Nylon ,ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene),PVC (polyvinyl chloride),Polycarbonate. These particular substances. Manufacturers choose these materials for blow molding because of their physical qualities, environmental utilization, and cost. Characteristics Of Blow Molding Machines The sizing of a specific blow molding machine relies on the weight of its part and the flash of the part (if flashed), and the resin’s specific molecular weight. A plastic product maker must first know that if the blow molding machine almost weighs nearly one and a half kilograms cycles in about forty-eight seconds, then that manufacturer can mold high-density polyethylene material and, usually, molded on a double cavity or a single cavity. The important point in the above example is that the commodity with a finished weight of one thousand and five hundred grams has a flashed weight of around two thousand to two thousand one hundred grams.  Therefore a five-pound blow molding machine (accumulator's head) is essential to mold a product. It could also be molded in a reciprocating machine and in continuous extrusion equipment. In the case of continuous extrusion equipment, it becomes a little more challenging to determine the necessary size.  In every case, the platens should be huge enough to accommodate a mold. With continuous extrusion, manufacturers must comprehend that the output is incessant. Thus, people must know the product’s cycle time to decide the pounds per hour that the extruder must manufacture. All of the above is a very superficial elaboration of the magnitude of the blow molding apparatuses versus the product’s nature. An extra factor that plays its role is the head’s ability to house the tools which make the parison the right diameter.  Conclusion  As people might well comprehend, a few paragraphs are insufficient to discuss the blow molding technology. The above details are provided to help plastic product makers decide the size of the machinery they need to carry out the blow molding job. 

Jun 8,2022

How Plastic Is Positively Impacting The World?

We have often heard of the disadvantages of using plastic which make us quickly forget the benefits which it has brought to the world. This blog discusses why plastic has made plastic popular and why plastic has many applications.  One of those reasons is that plastic safeguards human lives. Have you ever thought about why medical gear makers use plastic to make most medical gear? This is because plastic provides a more sterile atmosphere by providing disposable products and eliminates the requirement to reuse and sterilize tools. Plastic also provides greater comfort than its alternate metallic options and is hypo-allergenic, not likely to cause allergies. Applications Of Plastic In The Medical Sector  Plastics have played a crucial role in revolutionizing the medical industry. With the improvements in the healthcare sector, plastic has become one of the few valuable substances that have adapted to the industry’s dynamic nature. Medical equipment makers have used plastic to manufacture new heart valves, blood bags, one use plastic syringes, and other medical instruments.  Prosthetics is another healthcare industry aspect that has witnessed significant progress over the years because of the effect of plastics. With the help of plastic prosthetics, doctors can provide healthcare solutions with improved functionality and features. One of the ways by which plastic has made healthcare cost-effective, safer, and more manageable is sterility. Medical gear makers have used plastics to manufacture medical devices and instruments like inflatable splits, catheters, insulin pens, syringes, and surgical gloves. Such commodities are employed for one-time utilization. They help stop the spread of harmful illnesses by eradicating the requirement to sterilize and re-employ a product. Plastic is also being utilized to produce unique antibacterial touch surfaces that could repel microbes and other germs, thus cutting down the spread of harmful illnesses. Antimicrobial plastic has very high efficiency in killing microbes and can kill germs even when surfaces are not cleaned regularly. Benefits Of Using Plastic  1. Plastic Cuts Down Emissions Of Gas And Saves Fuel The plastic’s lightweight nature helps cars become more fuel-efficient, suggesting that we scorch less of our valuable limited resources. It also provides lightweight packing options to transport goods, resulting in less fuel utilization. People can convert plastic wastes into fuel, cutting down the number of fossil fuels that should be extracted from the ground. In this manner, plastic helps to keep the prices of fuel low. For converting plastic wastes into fuel, people need to follow the pyrolysis procedure in which anaerobic heating is done at three hundred and fifty to six hundred degrees Celsius. By providing thermal power to meet the activation power needed to crack polymer, the conversion of plastic waste is done into combustible liquid oil and gas. 2. Plastic Is Long Lasting And Sustainable As plastic is a highly long-lasting and durable material, it is often utilized in making buildings, infrastructure, bridges, houses, and more. Plastic is lightweight yet robust. It resists corrosion and rot. Plastic has strong weatherability because of its capability to attain tight seals. This also helps create more effective housing and reduces wasted power for cooling or heating. Being a durable substance reduces the need to throw parts because of tear and wear, reducing garbage dumped in our landfills and lessening the requirement for manufacturing replacement parts. 3. Plastic Enhances Safety In the automotive industry, plastic has contributed to a range of innovations in security- from dashboards, airbags, and seat belts to bumpers. These innovations have helped save many lives every year. Plastic has also played a significant role in improving sports safety. Think about every piece of equipment which sportspeople wear to safeguard themselves: cleats, pads, mouth guards, visors, faceguards, uniforms, and helmets. What does all this equipment have in common? It is composed of plastic. The evolution of modern sports has taken place with the evolution of sports- sportsmen made greater efforts, making them more prone to injuries. Leather equipment eventually transitioned into plastic for more durability and more protection. 4. Plastic Is Affordable And Reusable Can people imagine how heavy and costly computers, cellular phones, and televisions would be if they were entirely composed of metal? Plastic makes these products inexpensive, housing, automobiles, and medical care, and this list continues. Manufacturers can melt plastic and reshape it over and over again. Simply recycling water bottles produced in machines purchased from PP bottle-making machine dealers could significantly reduce energy usage, pollution, and emissions.  Plastic is a precious resource that has helped carry out an unlimited number of innovations and has helped turn the world into its current position. Still, people should use it responsibly. All humans can play their role in cutting down waste dumped in landfills, encompassing decreasing scrap during manufacturing. This does not only help people save their money, but it decreases plastic waste, gas emissions, and energy usage.

Apr 1,2022

What Blow Molding Companies State About Fully Electric Machines?

Sometimes, Machine vendors describe North American-based bottle blow molders as a justly conservative lot, glad to stick with their accustomed injection blow presses and hydraulic shuttles. In the meantime, more effective fully electric alternates have become very popular inside Europe and are rising in Asia and other regions. But the sales figures indicate that American blow molders are eventually welcoming all-electric machinery.    An Auburn-based plastic fabrication company's official stated that we had had great success with every all-electric molding machine, and that is all we will purchase from now on. So the plastic fabrication company found it logical to find similar practical enhancements in fully electric blow molding. Its initial step was to buy all-electric blow molding machinery from all-electric molding machines dealers. The experience of that Auburn-based plastic fabrication company with that machine over the past year and a half has made it emphasizes all-electric blow molding machines.   Turning The Tide The Auburn-based plastic fabrication company is a pioneer of all electrics on the coasts. Interviews with three major suppliers of all-electric injection blow and extrusion blow machines in North America indicate that approximately six such pieces of machinery are situated in North America. The other few are delivering or are on order. The vice president of sales of a Michigan-based machining manufacturer states that most local extrusion blow molding machines seem content with conventional hydraulic pieces of machinery. The modular platform of that machining manufacturer permits electric servos or hydraulics on the identical essential press.   The Michigan-based machining manufacturer has supplied all-electric blow molding machines but has not promoted them very hard in the North American continent until recently. This Michigan-based machining manufacturer launched its first electric blow molding machine that employs local parts like controls, actuators, and servo motors. After displaying at the show, the Michigan-based machining maker operated its electric blow molding machine for two thousand hours to conduct an engineering assessment. This month, the machinery is moving to the plant of an American customer to begin commercial production.   According to the vice president of sales of a Michigan-based machining manufacturer, a customer's motivation is partially a requirement for extra capacity, partial inquisitiveness to examine something new, and partly a wish to establish a business partnership with the Michigan machining manufacturer.   The vice president of sales of the Michigan-based machining manufacturer states that power savings are not a reason compelling American blow molders to carry investment in fully electric machines. The real advantage, he says, is more significant repeatability and accuracy. European blow molders, he states, were more open to newly introduced technology as the electric utility expenses are much greater there. He said that more than fifty percent of the shuttle machinery sales in Europe are fully electric.   The vice president of sales of a German fully electric blow molding machine manufacturer's North American branch states that the sales of electric blow molding machines are slowly rising in North America. He stated that bottle manufacturers had had sufficient capacity in recent times, and therefore they have been hostile to capital expenditure, apart from those few that were increasing capacity.   Benefits Of Fully Electric Molding Machines   The vice president of sales of the German fully electric blow molding machine manufacturer's North American branch agrees that the higher electric expenses have made businesses accept electric blow molding machines in Europe. He states that the sales of full-electric blow molding machines are rising in China because of their faster cycles and power savings. In China, the vice president of sales of the German fully electric blow molding machine manufacturer's branch in North America sees a weather change. He states a couple of fully electric blow molding machines are working in North America, more are being shipped, and two are being ordered. He anticipates that the electric blow molding machine sales will double as more prominent companies will give ten orders of electric blow molding machines in the next year.    Although power cost is seven to ten percent of the bottle's cost, the local market's significant benefit is repeatability and accuracy. The vice president of sales of the German fully electric blow molding machine maker's branch in North America also states that dry machine cycles are fifty percent speedy with new electric blow molding machines. Their entire processes are at least ten percent faster. The Auburn-based plastic fabrication company anticipates increasing energy efficiency by launching more fully electric blow molding machines to injection and blow molding departments. Its official expects its energy efficiency to enhance as it uses more fully electric injection molding and blows molding machines.    That official believes it would be challenging for the Auburn-based plastic fabrication company to justify buying the fully electric blow molding machine on energy cost reductions. The savings will come from decreased upkeep downtime and better quality components due to enhanced machinery accuracy. Anticipation Of Auburn-Based Plastic Fabrication Company  Sometimes, Machine vendors describe North American-based bottle blow molders as a justly conservative lot because they are glad to stick with their accustomed injection blow presses and hydraulic shuttles. 

Mar 2,2022

Which Blow Molding Process Is Right For Your Bottle?

It is done by a technique called the Blow molding technique. It is a technique in which the plastics are melted and are extruded into a hollow tube. The pressure is exerted to form them into the shape of the container using the pp bottle-making machines. It has been famous for years as it is a technique used worldwide to produce containers in the form of these plastic bottles made up of fantastic finishes at very affordable prices. This method is also famous because it provides the most efficient and the most cost-effective way of producing high volumes of containers for packaging. Why Use Blow Molding? Various factors describe why blow molding had been used so much. Some of these factors are: •Higher Rates Of Production These Blow molding machines have a faster cycle compared to other manufacturing processes. •Easy Molding Of Complex Parts It is a helpful process when it is about handling complex and challenging shapes; even if they are asymmetrical and irregular, it is famous for handling them well. •Cost-Effective Method This production method is comparatively cheaper in the long run than other production methods as it works more efficiently and effectively, playing a good role in the production process. Types Of Blow Molding Methods To Select From Although the general purpose of these blow molding machines is to create hollow objects, like bottles or packaging, by applying pressure that forces the material into a mold cavity, which gives the object a hollow shape. If one plans to use the method of blow molding, one must be familiar with the types of blow molding and what they are used for. The main and common types of blow molding processes are known as: Extrusion Blow Molding (EBM)  In this process, the resin is heated and extruded to form parison, a vertical tube-like piece of plastic that allows compressed air to pass through. The two-part mold is used and closes at the parison at both ends. As soon as the mold is sealed, the blow pin is inserted into the neck of the bottle, and the air is blown into it. The pressure of the air causes the parison to take the shape of the mold. Including the threads in the neck portion of the mold. Mold is cooled, and the parison's bottom is cut, letting the mold open. The bottom of the parison is cut, and the bottle is placed over the conveyer belt. This process is used to manufacture •large-size, High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) •Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) •Polypropylene (PP) bottles with large necks Compression Blow Molding (CBM) It is a special kind of extrusion molding in which the blow pin blows air into the parison, so the plastic takes the shape of the bottle; it also uses physical pressure to shape the neck area of the bottle. It is used in manufacturing bottles made with HDPE, LDPE, and PP resin and can quickly achieve critical neck dimensions. Injection Blow Molding (IBM) In this molding process, the heated resin is injected into the mold using a screw. This injected plastic is molded into the shape of mold then the air is used to blow the shape into the mold. The mold is allowed to cool down. The bottle is placed over the conveyor belt once ejected from the mold. They are used in the production of HDPE, LDPE, and PP bottles with a small to medium blowup ratio. Injection Stretch Blow Molding (ISBM) In this process, the resin is heated and is injected into the machine using a long screw. This injected plastic is then molded into the shape.

Feb 18,2022

Types Of Plastic Used In Blow Molding Process

Blow molding refers to a molding procedure that the production industry employs to manufacture hollow objects composed of plastic. Selecting the appropriate plastic material for any blow molding process can be challenging. Strength, flexibility, density, cost, and more factors help decide which plastic material is suitable for blow molding. The blow molding capabilities expand to vast and small parts using multiple or single molds, including blow pin and air needle models. The exact blow molding techniques employed for a particular project depend on the design's desired physical attributes and complexity. Here is an outline of the drawbacks, benefits, and characteristics of plastic materials used in blow molding. High-density Polyethylene (HDPE) High-density Polyethylene is the first-ranked plastic in the world and the most frequently blow-molded plastic resin. This is because of its desirable physical qualities, high strength-to-density ratio, temperature resistance, and chemical resistance. High-density Polyethylene is employed in an extensive range of products, including consumer liquid bottles such as motor oil and shampoo, industrial drums, carrying cases, play structures, and coolers. It is molder-friendly, easily colored, chemically inert, and easily colored. The Food and Drug Administration has approved high-density Polyethylene, the safest plastic. A PP bottle-making machine helps consumer bottle manufacturers manufacture consumer liquid bottles with blow-molded high-density Polyethylene.   Low-Density Polyethylene Versions of low-density Polyethylene encompass ethyl-vinyl-acetate and linear-low. Manufacturers employ low-density Polyethylene for softer items that require a high degree of flexibility or stress crack resistance. Usually, the higher the ethyl-vinyl-acetate content, the weaker the molded component is. Typical applications of low-density Polyethylene encompass boat fenders, traffic channelizers, and squeeze bottles. Low-density Polyethylene is also easily colored, translucent, chemically inert, and mold-friendly. Polypropylene Polypropylene is the second-ranked plastic in the world- it's a very famous injection molding material. Polypropylene is like high-density Polyethylene, but its slightly lower and stiffer density benefits. Manufacturers commonly use polypropylene in elevated temperate uses like medical components and dishwater tubes that need autoclave sterilization. It is molder-friendly, quickly colored, and translucent. Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) Even though polyvinyl chloride is the third-ranked plastic of the world, Polyvinyl chloride has been intensely examined for utilizing lead and cadmium as stabilizers. It releases hydrochloric acids while processing and releases remaining vinyl chloride monomers following molding(most of these problems have been decreased). Polyvinyl chloride is translucent. It comes in soft and rigid forms- the soft material. Manufacturers usually use the soft version of polyvinyl chloride in blow molding. Typical use includes traffic cones, bellows, and delicate medical components. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is comparatively hard plastic. This ABS plastic is employed for injection molding football helmets. Blow molding standard Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is usually colored for use and clear in small appliances and electronics housings. After drying, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene molds well. Nevertheless, the chemical resistance of components composed of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is not like the chemical resistance of polypropylene. Therefore caution should be employed in using this plastic with ingredients exposed to chemicals. Polyamides/Nylon(PA) Nylon melts rapidly; therefore, manufacturers commonly utilize it in injection molding. The materials employed for extrusion blow molding are usually versions of nylon four to six, nylon six to six, nylon eleven, and nylon six. Nylon is an affordably priced translucent material that poses decent resistance to chemicals and gives a good performance in highly heated environments. Manufacturers use nylon to manufacture reservoirs and tubes in automobile engine compartments. Co-polyester And Polyester Manufacturers frequently employ polyester in making fiber. Unlike Polyethylene Terephthalate, manufacturers can do extrusion blow molding of modified polyesters such as co-polyester and Polyethylene Terephthalate glycol. Sometimes, co-polyester is employed to replace polycarbonate inside container products. It is like polycarbonate, but it is not that strict or precise, and it does not comprise bisphenol A, a substance that, according to some research, causes health problems. Polyurethane and Urethane Urethanes have performance qualities that are popular in coverings such as paint. Generally, urethane's elasticity is greater than polyurethane's, which needs to be formulated especially for becoming thermoplastic urethane. The thermoplastic standards can be injection or extrusion and cast blow molded. This is most frequently utilized as a single layer in multiple-layer blow molding. Thermoplastic Elastomers Manufacturers use thermoplastic elastomers to replace natural rubber inside molded components. This material is explicit and can be colored (usually black). Automobile manufacturers mainly utilize TPEs in grip surfaces, air intake ducts, bellows, and automotive suspension covers. After drying, it molds and usually reprocesses well.

Feb 8,2022

Worldwide Application of Blow Molding Technology

Blow molding technology has become the most widely used method worldwide for its precision and efficiency in every product. The infinite number of benefits it has offered to almost every industry has led to its popularity globally. Today almost every product of either simple or complex shape is being produced using blow molding technology.  With the rise in population, there has been a great rise in the demand for products, but the supply of products has never been able to meet it as better as it has with the use of blow molding technology. Therefore, the success of blow molding technology is evident from its worldwide application in all the different fields and industries.  Benefits Of Blow Molding Technology •One benefit of blow molding technology that will always remain top of the chart is its precision. Never has another technology been able to provide precision in every product like blow molding technology. Thus, the precision of blow molding is exceptional and unmatchable. •Mass production of products is what industries have to do, but any other method or technology takes up a lot of time. Whereas blow molding technology does the same thing in a fraction of the time as traditional methods took and even did it better.  •The cost of labor and all the other things was a lot in all the methods used before blow molding technology. However, blow molding is comparatively exceptionally low cost; neither does it require a lot of labor nor wastes any raw material.  •It was a hell of a task to make products of complex shapes and designs before blow molding technology, but after the advent of it, it has become so easy to make any product of any shape.  Blow Molding Technology – One Process, 3 Variants Three processes of blow molding technology are being used worldwide; all the methods are equally efficient and highly productive. The processes are almost the same; there are just a few steps that make one process different from the other. •Extrusion Blow Molding In extrusion blow molding, the raw material is melted and turned into a molten liquid first. It is then poured into a mold that is made according to the shape of the product that one desires to make. Once the parison is poured into the mold, the air is blown in its center to inflate it. Once the parison has been inflated into the shape of the mold, it is set aside to cool down with the mold. The final product is revealed when the parison has cooled down, solidified, and is ready to be removed from the mold. High-quality extrusion blow molding machines are being used to carry out the process efficiently. •Injection Blow Molding In injection blow molding, the only difference is that the molten liquid that is parison is not poured but injected into the mold with an injection-like machine. The raw material is also not inflated onto the same station but is taken to the other station, where a machine inflates it into its shape.  •Stretch Blow Molding In stretch blow molding, the only difference is that the raw material isn’t inflated but instead stretched into the shape of the desired product.